Different Ways To
Ground, Shield & Protect Your Energy
This article is lengthy with an abundance of information to aid in grounding and protecting with multiple ways of performing this technique. Feel free to scroll through the page to find one that resonates with you. For a more powerful protection scroll towards the end of this page.

Grounding and Centering Your Energy
Grounding and protecting are essential when working with spiritual energy, especially before you do readings or are a strong Empath. It helps to keep other people's energies away from you so that you're not carrying it with you, which can be draining. Try to get in a daily routine of doing these two visualizations. It takes 30 seconds of your time, so it's super quick.
The first step to protecting yourself from foreign energies is to perform a grounding meditation. By grounding yourself, you are restoring your connection to the earth and bringing yourself a few moments of quiet to focus on yourself and your core. It also helps to keep you in the present moment.
Visualize a clear ball (or bubble) of pure white golden light around your b. As you concentrate on this light, notice it getting brighter and bigger. Slowly bring this ball of beautiful clear white golden light around you so that it wraps itself around you. You'll want to completely encase yourself in the protective light, and bring the light out to at least 10 feet to protect your aura as well. While you do this, you'll want to state your intention. Something that I personally say is, "I protect myself in God's white golden light of love and protection that will keep me safe from any and all harm". You can do this on yourself and others, as well as your home and land. you reach the center, imagine your cord wrapping around this ball of light a few times, then, energized with pure Source Energy, the cord travels back up to your sacrum.
In a grounding meditation, you sit or stand upright, with your feet firmly on the floor. Take a few deep breaths, then imagine a tree trunk extending from your sacrum (or base of your spine) through the floor. With each exhale, imagine roots traveling deeper, through the soil, through the bedrock, and eventually to the core of the earth. Once you’ve reached the core of the earth, breathe deeply. When you inhale, follow your roots back up through the earth to your sacrum. You are now grounded! Practice doing this often, and if possible, outside, barefoot, with your feet touching the earth.
Once you’ve grounded, the final step is to protect yourself from absorbing any negativity, or any energy from others that would be unhealthy for you to experience, such as anger, guilt, resentment, anxiety, sadness, physical pain, tiredness, worry, fear, etc. This is why protection is so important for Empaths. This will also prevent you from coming into contact with lower-level energies when doing spiritual work or readings for people.
By doing this quick visualization, you're able to receive intuitive information and receive energy that is positive and at or above the energetic vibration where you are currently. This means you are still able to receive information from higher spiritual realms and absorb energy that would be beneficial to you. Applying this shield is best for when you would like to receive information intuitively, absorb positive energies, and observe that which is going on around you.
Visualize a clear ball (or bubble) of pure white golden light around your chest. As you concentrate on this light, notice it getting brighter and bigger. Slowly bring this ball of beautiful clear white golden light around you so that it wraps itself around your body. You'll want to completely encase yourself in the protective light, and bring the light out to at least 10 feet to protect your aura as well. While you do this, you'll want to state your intention. Something that I personally say is, "I protect myself in God's white golden light of love and protection that will keep me safe from any and all harm, and keep energies at bay that do not serve my highest good or higher purpose". You can do this on yourself and others, as well as your home and land.
Remember, intent is what makes this work. You have to BELIEVE that what you're visualizing is really happening and that what you're manifesting, (your intention) is binding this action to be true.

Protect & Shield
This is how I like to do it: Visualize a bubble of light surrounding you, from the top of your head down to the soles of your feet. Surrounding ALL of you. Visualize this bubble being made of an opaque light that no negative energy can penetrate. Inside this opaque white bubble, you are safe from negative energy. You can also fill your bubble with different colors for other energy. While I'm visualizing the bubble of light surrounding me I always say..."Dear Lord, please love and protect me in your white light."
Get yourself comfortable and relaxed. Earth/ground yourself and guide your breath into a comfortable and relaxed rhythm. Imagine and sense that you are surrounded by a transparent protective bubble or egg to protect you from negative vibrations. Spend a while sensing this bubble all around you, Over your head; Under your feet; Completely protecting your back; Completely surrounding you.
Sense that your own vibrations are able to exit through the membrane of the bubble and that this bubble does not prevent good energies from entering, only the negative ones. Of course, you can do certain refinements to your bubble. Experiment with filling this bubble with different colors to match your mood or to put in into the mood you would like to be in. You could also choose to put protective images that you like either of heroes or heroines of the past of the religious symbol that works best for you if so inclined. Extend your bubble for about 4 to 6 feet out from yourself as a boundary line. Perhaps you may like to imagine writing your own personal slogans on the exterior of your bubble, such as “KEEP OUT” etc.
It is recommended that if you know in advance that you are going into a situation that you know makes you uncomfortable, pull up your bubble and just sit quietly there for approximately 15 minutes before going out to meet your day or that appointment.
Here are different colors that you can choose from, depending upon the situation you’re in:
White light (white bubble of protection) is non-permeable (which means nothing can come through it) and blocks ALL energies, emotions, entities, and spirits. It's difficult to receive intuitive information while inside a white light bubble, readily receive guidance from the spiritual realm or perceive your surroundings with clear accuracy. You are essentially blocking everything out with a white light shield. White shields, while very effective, are very similar to physical brick walls.. nothing can get through them! The most useful time to use this bubble is when you are in an emergency and need immediate and fast protection, whenever you’re going to be in a situation with lower energies, such as a public place, or when you’re around ailing or negative people or situations. This is especially important for empaths who tend to absorb others people's energy.
Psychic protection. Shields against psychic attacks and entities. Purple light is permeable, and blocks out lower and negative energy and entities. You are able to receive intuitive information, and receive energy that is positive and at or above the energetic vibration where you are currently. This means you are still able to receive information from higher spiritual realms and absorb energy that would be beneficial to you. Applying this shield is best for when you would like to receive information intuitively, absorb positive energies, and observe that which is going on around you.
The pink shield protects against negativity. Helpful in situations where you’re around negative-minded, complaining, or gossipy people, as only love can permeate a pink shield.
A physical healing shield. Use the green shield for someone who’s injured or ill.

When you’re feeling vulnerable, or when your chakras are open and clean, and you’re about to go into harsh energy (such as crowds of strangers or an intense business meeting, for instance), see or feel yourself stepping inside of a mirrored ball. All negative energy bounce away from the ball.
1 - Visualize yourself sitting inside a beautiful semi-transparent golden pyramid.
2 - Now see at the four corners of the pyramid the four Arch Angels (Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, and Uriel)
3 - Then see a ray of white light from above (heaven?) and see it going down through the apex (top) of the pyramid.
4 - As the white light goes down into the pyramid see it circling all around you inside the pyramid
5 - You can go further and see spectrums of color coming out of the white light to also help Red - To help in being grounded
Yellow - To help with knowing
Green -To help in healing
Blue -To help with communication
Pink - To bring in love – Remember folks, that means all forms of love and not just romantic. Violet - To transmute lower vibrations from other people.
You can add an electrical fence around your bubble with zappers that will keep energies away. I’d even go so far as to add the violet flame around the fence for added protection. Ask Archangel Michael to add his strength to the flame and shields. STRENGTH IN
You can also place a triangle, or pyramid around all of the layers of shields/protection if you feel the need. The triangle is the strongest shape/symbol and cannot be broken. Very powerful when adding that to your shields.
Imagine that you have a circular shield; (like a golden plate) depending on where you feel the need to use it will determine the size required. People usually place their shield over that part of their body that feels the most sensitive and often in accordance with the Hindu Chakra system. For example: If you are dealing with someone you feel is a sexual predator, you might wish to cover the Chakra known as the Sacral Center which is situated around your reproductive organs. If you are dealing with someone’s spiky emotions, the Shield might go over the Solar Plexus area. If someone is thinking too intensely, then place the shield in front of your eyes and forehead. Of course, you could use a very large shield to protect your whole torso. Shielding can be hard to get the hang of at first, but the more you do it the easier it becomes. Eventually, you just have to say Shield ON or Shield OFF.
Pick three or more of the colors and layer them on top of yourself for complete protection. Honestly, you can create an intention for any color shield and it’ll work perfectly. These are just popular choices for these colors.
The ultimate shield against negativity whenever a battle is anticipated, or you’re feeling extra vulnerable or open. See or feel yourself completely surrounded by lightweight lead metal, which nothing can penetrate.
THE CLOAK (A golden cloak)
Visualize yourself enveloped in a wonderful magic cloak similar to that as in one of the Harry Potter movies, except this is for personal protection rather than being invisible. Your cloak can be a simple color or multi-colored or designed. Whichever you best resonate with and make you feel warm and protected from all harsh environments and people.
This technique is useful when you are in the process of leaving your home environment and about to enter the outside world or some other less friendly environment. It is also good after a massage or coming back into an urban environment after spending time in the park or the countryside. Simply sense yourself as your favorite flower with your stem going deep into the ground and your petals open. You then sense the petals gently folding into a close position in on you, just as all flowers do in nature during the evening.
This technique can be very useful for those living with others but who sometimes feel the need for personal space around themselves. Build up a sense of a curtain hanging between you and the other person/s. Make sure this curtain goes into the floor and up to the ceiling. Then begin to sense that is made of heavy lead. Breathe gently and, on the out-breath, feel the warmth and moisture of your breath helping to make the curtain even denser. Your own vibrations and the other partners will now bounce off this lead curtain.
SILVER MERCURY SHIELD (Great for Astral Traveling)
I love using silver. Especially if you're going to astral travel. I would put a silver mercury around my bubble (on top of the white shield because I love layers of shields.), then have gold light shining down thru the bubble from Source. You can also ask your Guides to keep the Gold flowing when you're not thinking about it.
You can also add a strong steel mesh shield around your white shield that will keep energies out. Shield OFF.

This pattern provides a protective shield when in physical, psychological, or psychic danger. The Celtic Cross consists of five energy balls: one large, central ball surrounded by four satellites. When you stand in the center and energetically connect the satellites in the Celtic Cross pattern, an impenetrable wall of safety is created. Any ill-intentioned energy sent toward a person or place protected by the Celtic Cross is blessed and reflected back to the sender as love. This formation magnifies your energy field, expanding your personal space and creating power and strength. It helps to activate your survival instincts while calling on higher powers to assist your safety. Although not an aggressive pattern, it is fully protective. It can also act as a filter, allowing higher energy to come in while shielding you from thought forms, projections, and hooks.
• Creates an energetic shield around yourself, people, objects, and places.
• Helps to focus and solidify your attention.
• Gathers all your resources necessary for strength and action.
• Facilitates the highest and best outcome for all involved parties.
• Allows you to rest when under extended external pressure.
• Filters harmful energy from the matrix of energy you receive.
• Protect from psychic attacks or extreme situations.
• Maintain boundaries and facilitate peaceful resolution during conflict.
• Assist a safe outcome when in physical danger.
• Help protect and shield loved ones.
• Protect property.
• Activate filtered protection when in group situations.
• Filter energy during telepathic or psychic explorations.
• Act as a vehicle for out-of-body explorations.
• Align a bright protective white light along the outer edge of your aura.
• Imagine a light and bright pillar that is aligned along the outer edge of your aura. Imagine four spheres/balls of light circling several feet beyond your aura; one in front of you, one behind, and one to either side of you. They are connected around you through a horizontal tube of light circling your torso.
• Visualize a tube of energy flowing from the sphere in front, over your head and through the one behind you, then flowing under your feet and returning to the ball in front. Keep the energy flowing along this circular tube.
• Connect the balls on either side in the same way. Imagine a tube of energy flowing from the sphere on your left, over the top of your head through the one on your right, under your feet, and back to the ball on the left. Keep the energy flowing along this route.
• Maintain continuous energy flow in the two circuits.
• Spin the circuits, creating a gyroscopic field that repels and/or filters approaching energy.
• Use color to magnify the effect; metallic silver or gold are the strongest colors.
• You can also make this pattern around your house, family, individuals, animals, personal property, or objects that need extra protection.
Copyright © Audra Gordon, Psychic Medium and Intuitive Coach/Mentor © All Rights Reserved. 17 U.S.C. 106(3), 17 U.S.C. §109(c)